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Motivation, enthusiasm, success

“You yourself are your own obstacle, rise above yourself.”




Erich Lejeune’s life has brought him a wealth of experience. He has found a way to achieve not only success but also extrinsic and intrinsic wealth. His desire is to share this knowledge.


We are at the dawn of a new era: The age of objectivity based on numbers is over! The human being as a whole, with his emotions and values, is taking centre stage.
Current crises have accelerated this process: people are on a quest for inner security.
To adapt to this change in situation and to sell, emotionally, takes courage.


Customers belong in the past – people are the present – emotional selling is the future!


  • The Lejeune Academy combines all the knowledge you need to be successful in the emotional age
  • We bring together life experience and people’s needs, enriching them with insights into motivation, values, emotionality, authenticity and entrepreneurship
  • We can initiate a paradigm shift in people that will set you on the path to success in the emotional age
  • It is important to strengthen your employees’ identification with the company
  • We support your employees in expanding their entrepreneurial thoughts and actions
  • Team spirit is the prerequisite for enhancing the work environment
  • We strengthen your company’s communication (internally and externally)
  • We can work with you to improve the desire and willingness to achieve
  • We provide you with the support you need to optimise your team and corporate culture


How do we work?


Alongside the executive board or upper management, we set an emotional, motivational change process in motion.

© 2024 Lejeune Academy GmbH, Phone +49 89 30 90 50 8-0, contact [at] lejeune-academy.deImprint | Data Protection